Friday, June 23, 2006

Sweet Solitude

My DH has taken my boys out of town. The house is mine for the weekend.

This just materialized in the last week, so I have felt a bit pressured to make the most of it because this has never happened. I have had girls' weekends away and vacations away from my house but I've never stayed home by myself.

There was a day, some twenty plus years ago, that I would have planned a raucous party, to take advantage of my parent's empty home.

This weekend I just want to enjoy the relative quiet with no agenda and know that I am in not in charge of anyone else.

Sweet Jesus, I deserve it.


Amy Rio-Anderson/Running Rio said...


Edgy Mama said...

O that's the best, isn't it?

Though I'm a bit offended you didn't invite me over for a raucous bottle of wine!